Please contact your local law enforcement agency (Sheriff, Police,) to file charges.  Your local County or District Attorney has the jurisdiction to prosecute criminal charges.

If you feel that you're the victim of a crime please contact your local law enforcement agency.  Also, you may file a complaint with the Office of the Attorney General.  Please see the Consumer Complaint process at:

The OSPA does not have jurisdiction in civil matters; further, the OSPA represents the State of Texas only in criminal appellate cases.

The State Prosecuting Attorney does not collect debts.  The Office handles criminal cases on appeal only and has no jurisdiction in civil matters or to investigate or prosecute crimes in a trial court.  However, it is illegal for a person or company to falsely impersonate a state agency.  You may file a complaint with the Office of the Attorney General at:


The OSPA is not a law enforcement agency.  Please contact your local law enforcement agency if you feel a crime has been committed against you and/or your property.

The Office of the State Prosecuting Attorney has no jurisdiction in family court and therefore cannot enforce court orders.

The Office of the Attorney General has information available on their website for consumer and fraud protection.

The OSPA represents the State of Texas in criminal appeals only.  The State Bar of Texas provides attorney referral information:

Per the Public Information Act (Texas Government Code, Chapter 552), the request must be directed to the appointed State Prosecuting Attorney at